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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Turn of Your Router for a While

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FBI discovered Russian malware hacking the internet and urges to turn of the routers for a while 

Internet is one of the biggest method of connection and communication all over the Earth which connects billions of people to the worldwide web. But hackers are major threat over internet who do non-ethical hacking. In a recent scenario, FBI have find out that a malware of Russian origin has hacked hundreds and thousands of home and office routers.They can collect user information from all sources connected over the router and can shut down the internet connection of the user. To halt the spread of the dangerous malware, FBI urges everyone to reboot their router and download latest updates from manufacturer to prevent hacking. The hackers have planned to give instruction to the routers by means of a website. But following a court order FBI has been allowed to seize that website. Though the malicious communication has been disconnected yet it has left the router infected and that is why FBI is urging to reboot your routers to clean them up. IT has affected many countries though the primary target is Ukraine. The Justice Department disclosed after court order that the hackers belong to a group known as 'Sofacy' or 'APT28' and 'Fancy Bea' who are also blamed for severe hacking like that of US election 2016. According to FBI, the routers purchased from electronic stores or online are more likely to be infected by this malware but at the same time they are not completely denying the possibility of hacking of routers provided by internet service providers. Thus the malware is making user's router inoperable and it is difficult to detect due to advance encryption and other techniques. So the best thing is to reboot your router so that FBI can also detect the infected devices and disable any type of remote management. Also users are requested to change their password and upgrade to latest software for your routers.

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