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Wednesday, 18 April 2018

We Can See and Distinguish Worm Holes

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New research reports from India provides amazing theories for observing and distinguishing the mysterious space-time distortion: The Worm Holes

Space and time are the most mysterious dimensions among others in the entire universe. During the formation of Black Holes, a heavy distortion in space and time occurs which may lead to the formation of Worm Holes which is still a theoretical concept. Valid mathematical solutions to equations does not imply that it actually exist and thus Worm Holes may form by combination of Black Holes and White Holes causing huge distortion in space and time. It is believed that a conveniently located Worm Hole in a space-time distortion will provide a convenient and rapid way of interstellar travel. Interstellar travel will enable us for better searching of possible exoplanets beyond our solar system that can support life, which we are doing now by means of satellites like NASA's TESS Mission. But detailed calculations have revealed a major obstacle for interstellar travel through Worm Holes due to the massive gravitational pull of a black hole that even causes the Worm Hole to collapse just at the moment it is formed. The only solution to use Worm Holes as portals for interstellar travel is by moving greater than speed of light while passing through them. 

The fact cannot be denied that we are hugely advancing in technological fields but in every practical fields the theoretical research works of pages formed the main base of the experimental work. New research by physicist Rajibul Shaikh from Tata Fundamental Research Institute, India suggests that we can observe Worm Holes and can distinguish their digital signature from those of Black Holes. Black Holes are studied by observing the space-time distortions which cast shadows and we examine these shadow to study characteristics of Black Holes as the object itself cannot be observed and studied. The Worm Holes need to be studied in a similar manner and Shaikh's results suggest that the Worm Holes considered in their work and having reasonable spin can be distinguished from Black Holes. It also suggests that slow spinning Worm Holes will cast ideal circular shadow like Black Holes while those having larger spins will cast highly distorted shadow which will make them more easier to distinguish. Shaikh further explains that scattered photons form bright spots while photons captured by Worm Holes formed dark spots and the dark spots appears like shadow while observing it. These theories will support our observational research for Worm Holes starting from reaching a valid and possible solutions to the mathematical calculations that can guide our observational studies precisely. A big boost to above studies is the new Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) network that will give a better and closer look at Black Holes for more duration and enable scientists to thoroughly study different events occurring at the Event Horizon. The study of Event Horizon corresponds to the study of Black Hole itself and the results can help us in more clear theoretical visualization of  the Worm Holes. Thus a combination of theoretical and experimental approach can lead us to unfold several greatest mysteries of Black Holes and Worm Holes and may also enable us for interstellar travelling and guidance to develop necessary technologies for achieving speed greater than speed of light.

Source: Science Alert

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