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Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Google Introduces A New Customized Gmail

Image for representative purpose only.

Google launches a new and improved Gmail with brand new features making it more attractive as the largest mailing platform

Gmail is one of the largest mailing platform and one of the widely used Google product which has become the part and parcel of almost every human being in their everyday life, may it be for business or personal use. Now-a-days we hardly find anyone not having a mail account in Gmail. We are very much accustomed with the current Gmail version and its features by using it over several years and now a sudden change in its version will may slow our pace of working for initial few handling in this new version. But this updated Gmail with brand new coolest feature aims to provide better user experience, security and ease of users to use its different features saving a lot of time. After trying the newest features ourselves, we are really in love with it and hope everyone will love these cool new features. It will not be very difficult to accept the new changes to our daily life as the basic functionalities of Gmail is all the same as before. Here are some of the coolest additions to Gmail which we have thoroughly used and studied:

i) The new Gmail is providing with brand new displays for better experience of their users. The three new types of display introduced are: Default, Comfortable and Compact. These options will change the view of users' mail window accordingly based on their needs but the Default view is best for getting the best experience out of this new Gmail.

ii) In the main task bar of Gmail on left where Inbox, Starred, Sent and other main working buttons appear, there is an addition of a new button called "Snoozed". On placing cursor over each mail a clock symbol is appearing at the last which will allow user to snooze certain mails up to desired duration that is not of much importance to user.

iii) The previous clip symbol representing any attachments with mails have been replaced by directly showing attachments as separate tabs under the respective mails. It is showing up to two to three tabs of attachments followed by "+" sign and a number showing the additional attachments with the respective mails. Now the users can easily download any attachments from respective mails without opening that particular mail containing the attachment like they have to do previously.

iv) There is new addition of a task bar to the right of the Gmail window initially showing buttons like Calendar showing time slot details of everyday, Keep for taking notes and Task for managing and scheduling different works. Beside these features, there is an additional button for adding different types of Add-ons to further customize your Gmail based on your additional requirement. These features can be accessed easily from the right side task bar without interrupting your work in mail window or main left hand task bar that used to happen previous version.

v) Gmail has introduced one of the coolest features called Gmail Offline. The features need to be activated from the Offline tab Settings option. After clicking on the installation link it will open a new window which will enable you to add Gmail Offline to your browser and you can adjust the settings accordingly. This application will support complete offline access to Gmail like reading, replying, searching and archiving mails with the help of previous time to time synchronization during internet availability. Any actions waiting in queue like mails sent when offline and waiting in outbox will be executed accordingly as soon as it gets connected to internet. This feature will provide a more better user experience to Gmail who are using from mobiles and tablets.

Beside these cool features, there is several report of another new security feature called Confidential Mode that will enable user to have more secure mailing experience with their email disappearing after certain time period set by the user and  can also prevent downloading, forwarding and printing certain sensible contents which are sent through mail. But right now we did not find this feature button showing in our Compose Mail window and may be this problem will overcome very soon and we will have our Confidential Mode button active. Gmail is damn sure to provide its massive user base with an amazing mailing experience and improved security like never before with their above mentioned coolest customization and features.

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